Thursday, December 17, 2015

Homework evening 12/17/15

8th Grade Science

Due Friday, 12/18:  Distance-Time Graphs for 6th period only.

8th Grade Sex Ed


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Homework evening 12/16/15

8th Grade Science

Due Thursday, 12/17: Distance-Time graph homework.  This is for 2nd, 4th, and 5th period.  I forgot to give it to 6th period.

8th Grade Sex Ed


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Homework evening 12/14/15

8th Grade Science

Due Tuesday, 12/15:  Finish distance-time graph.

8th Grade Sex Ed


Friday, December 11, 2015

Homework evening 12/11/15

8th Grade Science

None.  We did a remote control speed lab today.

8th Grade Sex Ed

We are finishing presentations in class.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homework evening 12/10/15

8th Grade Science

Due Friday, 12/11:  Speed Practice problems

8th Grade Sex Ed

For the next two sessions we will be doing contraceptive presentations.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Homework evening 12/915

8th Grade Science


8th Grade Sex Ed

We will be giving presentations for the next couple of days.  Is your team ready?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Homework evening 12/7/15

8th Grade Science

None!  Congrats on finishing your test today.  If you were absent, you need to make this test up and turn in your notes.

8th Grade Sex Ed

We are finishing up preparations for the contraceptive presentations. This will all be done in class with  your teams.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Homework evening 12/4/15

8th Grade Science

Monday, 12/7:  Test.  Go over the list of possible questions and complete all of the practice problems.  Check the answer sheets and go over what you missed.  Notebooks will be collected after the test.

8th Grade Sex Ed

We have one more day in class to prepare for presentations.  You don't need to do anything at home.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Homework evening 12/2/15

8th Grade Science

Due Thursday, 12/3:  Reading and notes on density.  Notes must be on binder paper.
Monday, 12/7:  Test (You have the handout showing what to study and Thursday and Friday we will do practice problems and a practice test.)

8th Grade Sex Ed

We will be do contraceptive research during the next 3 classes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Homework 12/1/15

8th Grade Science

Due Thursday, 12/3:  Read the handout on density and take notes on binder paper.
Monday, 12/7:  Test.  Be sure and review the practice problems, notes, and the review problems that we do on Thursday and Friday.

8th Grade Sex Ed

For the next three days we will be working on the contraceptive posters and presentations in class.